If you have not yet completed our Streamline Questionnaire, please do that first. Once we receive your questionnaire, we will schedule a brief phone meeting to make sure we are a great fit for each other.


The following is our process for developing our working relationship together:

Phase 1: Discovery

We begin with an initial assessment of your needs. This is at no charge and is our way of getting to know you and your business better.

Phase 2: Establish Scope

Prior to any engagement for services with Streamline Accounting & Business, a detailed scope of work and service agreement is drafted for you to review and accept.

Phase 3: Clean-Up/Set Up

This is the phase where we get busy. We get you set up in our system and we begin optimizing your accounting system. We catch-up on missing or miscategorized data and we arrange your Chart of Accounts, with your input, so your financial reports are more useful and informative.

Phase 4: Ongoing Maintenance & Reporting

Throughout each month, we keep up with your income and expense transactions as they come over to the accounting system from your bank(s) and get them categorized and classified according to your Chart of Accounts.

If you choose financial reporting and metrics in your service plan, we compile your financial data into readable and understandable reports with charts, metrics, and analysis. We do this either monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually. We summarize the information we have gathered and extracted from your reports and provide recommendations and suggestions for improvement.