Allison Hardy – Founder & Chief Accountant

Allison’s professional career began as an engineer. Her passion for problem solving and efficiency and organization with complicated systems steered her towards this career. She prides herself in her ability to troubleshoot and find the solution to a question or a problem.

In the latter part of her engineering career, she became involved in statistics and Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing methodologies. She often worked closely with the accounting department to mine the financial data necessary for ROI (Return on Investment) to justify an investment or process improvement. Her gratification of applying relevant financial information and data to assess a problem, and observing its influence on important business decisions, turned her onto the pursuit of an MBA in Accounting. An undergraduate degree in engineering, combined with an MBA, positioned her to become an organization’s CFO (Chief Financial Officer).

Allison became just that. Shortly after obtaining her MBA, she started working for an emerging retail business. Her title wasn’t as fancy as CFO, but she learned first-hand what it takes to manage and grow a small business. She wore the many hats of a small business owner. She was responsible for HR, employee training, purchasing, sales, merchandising, inventory management, customer satisfaction, warranties, advertising, accounting, budgeting, accounts payable, payroll, and tax reporting. She helped the CEO navigate the complexities and challenges of an inadequate POS (Point of Sale) system, its related merchant services, and its integrated financial accounting system. Together, Allison and the CEO transitioned a business of $1M in sales, over to an entirely new POS, inventory management, and financial accounting system. If you have ever been involved in an ERP/accounting system change, you know all too well this is no minor undertaking.

Allison skills and knowledge are an important asset to many small business owners struggling to wear all the hats. In October 2017, Allison founded Streamline Accounting & Business with the mission to support and guide business owners, using accurate, reliable, and timely accounting services and business efficiency services.


Addie – Chief Companion Officer

Addie is our newest team member. She immediately brought color and joy to the office. Addie is responsible for morale and security. “My job is to lay under Allison’s desk, sometimes sleeping, but mostly playing, while ensuring that all meetings stay on track,” her profile page says. “I do this by getting up and stretching as a gentle hint that the meeting has gone on long enough, and now it’s time to pay attention to me.”

Addie is a German Shephard-Standard Poodle mix. She is darn proficient with her security job, attributed to her talent for a deep, burly, intimidating bark. A bark that just does not match the tender, unassuming sweetness in her eyes and her happy demeanor with strangers. But the office team advises to not let that fool you. When she knows she is off guard-duty, she is a loving, extroverted licker. She will lick salty sweat, salty snack residue you wiped on your pants, and even your cuts and scrapes. She is a nurturer to her core, and we love having her in our office.


Meyla – Chief Barketing Officer and Welcoming Chair

A canine for a taste for the camera, Meyla often partakes in many of the in-house video conference calls at the Asheville, NC based headquarters. In an interview for a dog blog last year, Meyla expressed the hope that her co-workers would show more appreciation for her efforts: “Give me treats!! Or food! Or anything! I will eat it!…. Squirrel??! Squirrellll?!! WHERE?!!”

Meyla is likely a Saluki-Collie mix. The Saluki in her is evident by her graceful strength and athleticism when out on the trails. Known for her sprinting abilities, she is always on the lookout from the office window for the cat across the street or a squirrel. From the dead of sleep, she’ll take off out the dog door in hopes of snagging an extra meal. To share with everyone inside? We doubt it. The fenced in area never seems to deter her from the hope and anticipation of the great chase. Meyla is considered by most to be the office comedian/entertainer. Every office needs one!